Поля эквайринга ISO 8583, RC, Response Codes

Данные ответы возвращаются эквайрингом при приведении операций.
Обычно поле называется RC (Response Code)

Материал ещё можно переработать :)

00 - Значит успешная транзакция, Approved
01 Refer to card issuer The merchant must call the issuer before the transaction can be approved.
02 Refer to card issuer, special condition The merchant must call the issuer before the transaction can be approved.
03 Invalid merchant number The merchant ID is not valid.
04 Pick-up card. Capture for reward The card is listed on the Warning Bulletin. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
05 Do not honor. The transaction was declined by the issuer without definition or reason The transaction was declined without explanation by the card issuer.
06 Error The card issuer returned an error without further explanation.
07 Pick-up card, special condition The card is listed on the Warning Bulletin. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
08 Honor with identification Honor with identification.
09 Request in progress Request in progress.
10 Approved for partial amount Approved for partial amount.
11 Approved, VIP Approved, VIP program.
12 Invalid transaction The requested transaction is not supported or is not valid for the card number presented.
13 Invalid amount The amount exceeds the limits established by the issuer for this type of transaction.
14 Invalid card # The issuer indicates that this card is not valid.
15 No such issuer The card issuer number is not valid.
16 Approved, update track 3 Approved, update track 3.
17 Customer cancellation Customer cancellation.
18 Customer dispute Customer dispute.
19 Re enter transaction Customer should resubmit transaction.
20 Invalid response Invalid response.
21 No action taken No action taken. The issuer declined with no other explanation.
22 Suspected malfunction Suspected malfunction.
23 Unacceptable transaction fee Unacceptable transaction fee.
24 File update not supported File update not supported.
25 Unable to locate record Unable to locate record.
26 Duplicate record Duplicate record.
27 File update edit error File update edit error.
28 File update file locked File update file locked.
29 not used
30 Format error, call ECHO The host reported that the transaction was not formatted properly.
31 Bank not supported Bank not supported by switch.
32 Completed partially Completed partially.
33 Expired card, pick-up The card is expired. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
34 Issuer suspects fraud, pick-up card The card issuer suspects fraud. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
35 Contact acquirer, pick-up Contact card issuer. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
36 Restricted card, pick-up The card is restricted by the issuer. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
37 Call ECHO security, pick-up Contact ECHO security. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
38 PIN tries exceeded, pick-up PIN attempts exceed issuer limits. Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
39 No credit account No credit account.
40 Function not supported Requested function not supported.
41 Lost Card, capture for reward The card has been reported lost.
42 No universal account No universal account.
43 Stolen Card, capture for reward The card has been reported stolen.
44 No investment account No investment account.
45 - 50 not used
51 Not sufficient funds The credit limit for this account has been exceeded.
52 - 53 not used
54 Expired card The card is expired.
55 Incorrect PIN The cardholder PIN is incorrect.
56 No card record No card record.
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder The card is not allowed the type of transaction requested.
58 Transaction not permitted on terminal The Merchant is not allowed this type of transaction.
59 Suspected fraud Suspected fraud.
60 Contact ECHO Contact ECHO.
61 Exceeds withdrawal limit The amount exceeds the allowed daily maximum.
62 Restricted card The card has been restricted.
63 Security violation. The card has been restricted.
64 Original amount incorrect Original amount incorrect.
65 Exceeds withdrawal frequency The allowable number of daily transactions has been exceeded.
66 Call acquirer security, call ECHO Call acquirer security, call ECHO.
67 not used
68 Response received too late Response received too late.
69 - 74 not used
75 PIN tries exceeded The allowed number of PIN retries has been exceeded.
76 Invalid "to" account The debit account does not exist.
77 Invalid "from" account The credit account does not exist.
78 Invalid account specified (general) The associated card number account is invalid or does not exist.
79 Already reversed Already reversed.
80 - 83 not used
84 Invalid authorization life cycle The authorization life cycle is invalid.
85 not used
86 Cannot verify PIN Cannot verify PIN.
87 Network Unavailable Network Unavailable.
88 not used
89 Ineligible to receive financial position information Ineligible to receive financial position information.
90 Cut-off in progress Cut-off in progress.
91 Issuer or switch inoperative The bank is not available to authorize this transaction.
92 Routing error The transaction cannot be routed to the authorizing agency.
93 Violation of law Violation of law.
94 Duplicate transaction Duplicate transaction.
95 Reconcile error Reconcile error.
96 System malfunction A system error has occurred.
97 not used
98 Exceeds cash limit Exceeds cash limit.

Some iso8583 dialects may have a different Response Codes.

Please use my free iso 8583 dialects (1987 and 1993 versions) Encoder and decoder. http://iso8583.info

Here is a most full list of Response Codes for field 39. (from VISA BASE I):

00;Successful approval/completion or that V.I.P. PIN verification is valid
01;Refer to card issuer
02;Refer to card issuer, special condition
03;Invalid merchant or service provider
04;Pickup card
05;Do not honor
07;Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card)
10;Partial Approval
11;V.I.P. approval
12;Invalid transaction
13;Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow);or amount exceeds maximum for card program
14;Invalid account number (no such number)
15;No such issuer
19;Re-enter transaction
21;No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
25;Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry
28;File is temporarily unavailable
41;Pickup card (lost card)
43;Pickup card (stolen card)
51;Insufficient funds
52;No checking account
53;No savings account
54;Expired card
55;Incorrect PIN
57;Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58;Transaction not allowed at terminal
59;Suspected fraud
61;Activity amount limit exceeded
62;Restricted card (for example, in Country Exclusion table)
63;Security violation
65;Activity count limit exceeded
75;Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76;Unable to locate previous message (no match on Retrieval Reference number)
77;Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message
78;'Blocked, first used'—The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked.
80;Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date
81;PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption)
82;Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
83;Unable to verify PIN
85;No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return
91;Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction)
92;Destination cannot be found for routing
93;Transaction cannot be completed; violation of law
96;System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions
B1;Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only)
N0;Force STIP
N3;Cash service not available
N4;Cashback request exceeds issuer limit
N7;Decline for CVV2 failure
P2;Invalid biller information
P5;PIN Change/Unblock request declined
P6;Unsafe PIN
Q1;Card Authentication failed
R0;Stop Payment Order
R1;Revocation of Authorization Order
R3;Revocation of All Authorizations Order
XA;Forward to issuer
XD;Forward to issuer
Z3;Unable to go online

# | водамаркет (?)

анонимус аватар

решил помочь и разослал пост в соц. закладки. надеюсь поднимется популярность.

12 Октябрь, 2012 - 00:27

# | site (?)

анонимус аватар

Было бы отлично, если бы сайтов таких было бы побольше

19 Декабрь, 2012 - 19:17

# | cheef (?)

анонимус аватар

Извиняйте, сайт уже больше 2-х лет как не стоит.
Но, спасибо за упоминание.

Может быть и подниму когда-нибудь снова.

21 Январь, 2013 - 14:59

# | Павел (?)

анонимус аватар

Transaction error: ccpgcs_ERROR_ERROR_102

А это что? Вроде нашел, что неправильное заполнение полей, но всё правильно.

19 Ноябрь, 2018 - 16:47

# | teerex

teerex аватар

Не похоже на ответ по ISO 8583, скорее на ответ какой-то промежуточной информационной системы.
Предполагаю, что до транзакции в банковской системе дело не дошло.

23 Ноябрь, 2018 - 04:00

Оставить комментарий

Содержание этого поля является приватным и не предназначено к показу. Если есть аккаунт Gravatar, то отображается глобальный аватар.

Подробнее о форматировании

А ты не робот? Введи 5 цифр
ad888888b, ad88888ba ad888888b, 88 ad888888b,
d8" "88 d8" "8b d8" "88 ,d88 d8" "88
a8P Y8a a8P a8P 888888 a8P
aad8" "Y8aaa8P" ,d8P" 88 aad8"
""Y8, ,d8"""8b, a8P" 88 ""Y8,
"8b d8" "8b a8P' 88 "8b
Y8, a88 Y8a a8P d8" 88 Y8, a88
"Y888888P' "Y88888P" 88888888888 88 "Y888888P'

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